Celebration of Life


Saturday, January 14, 2023
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm


Sacred Space - Beechwood National Memorial Centre

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6 years
Submitted by adele on Wed, 12/21/2022 - 01:16:PM

It is with profound sadness that the family of Shirley Sauvé (born McCabe) announce her passing on December 18, 2022, just shy of her 92nd birthday.

Shirley was born in Cornwall, Ontario to Simone and Gerald McCabe, the second of their eight children.  After moving to Ottawa, she pursued a fulfilling career in banking where she made lifelong friends. She married Jean-Paul Sauvé in 1952 and they shared a devoted and loving union for 54 years.  Together they worked hard, nurtured a caring family, travelled, became snowbirds in their retirement and savoured all that life has to offer. In her later years she thrived as a proud member of her retirement community where her warmth and charm were known and appreciated by all. 

She was always an encouraging and joyful presence in the lives of her family:  Her daughters Suzanne, Patricia (Brian), Lynne (Don) and Michèle (Paul), as well as her grandchildren Solange (Clive) Renee, Paul (Chantal), Andrew (Cait), James and Stephanie (Aaron) and her great-grandchildren, Max, Lily, Philippe, Geneviève and Juniper.

Shirley will be tenderly and lovingly remembered for her positivity, laughter, love of family, passion for card playing and superb fashion sense.  Shirley was a true ‘bonne vivante’ and her zest for life was a blessing to everyone who had the privilege to share time with her.

A Celebration of Life ceremony will be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, January 14 at the Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating in Shirley‘s memory to the charity of your choice.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/22/2022 - 11:04:AM


Karine (McCabe) Vetvut.

It's always so hard to say goodbye. I have so many fond memories of Matante Shirley. Always bjeweled, with tons of funny stories and an easy laugh. Wish I could get one last tight hug and big'ole kiss!

Love and condolences to the family - xox

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 07:01:PM


Lise Schnupp

Chère Pat et famille,

Mes plus sincères condoléances pour la perte de ta maman; bon courage dans ces moments difficiles.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/30/2022 - 01:29:PM


Kami Ramcharan

My sincerest condolences on this profound loss. I am thinking of her, and the love she would have shared with her family and friends, while she has now passed, that love will carry on in all those that were part of her life.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 01/03/2023 - 07:39:AM


Lorraine Carrière

Nous vous aimons plein cœur! Merci pour toutes les belles années de rire et d’amour-
Toujours avec vous et éternellement dans nos pensées, Lorraine, Ross, Liam et Rhys xoxoxox

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/05/2023 - 04:58:PM


Dale MacMillan

My sincerest sympathies Pat on the loss of your mother. I see from her photo a beautiful smile that gives an indication of the special person she was. May family and warm memories see you through this difficult time.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 01/10/2023 - 11:33:AM


Heather Buchan

My heartful condolences on the passing of your Mom. From all of us at The Right Door Consulting & Solutions Inc.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 01/14/2023 - 11:13:AM


Marcel Lemieux

Chère Michèle,

Dans ce moment difficile, sache que
Nos pensées sont avec toi.

Marcel et Lynne

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