Memorialization provides a place for family and friends to come together to celebrate the spirit of a life once lived. In fact, more and more people are planning and buying ahead so that they get to choose their memorialization. This eases the burden on their loved ones and ensures the memorial will be what they want.
Memorialization at Beechwood
Beechwood offers a wide variety of memorialization choices, including upright monuments, flat markers, tree dedications, bench dedications, flower vase memorials, Book of Remembrance, Tree of Life, and individual family mausolea. For those selecting cremation and urn burial, memorialization is often integrated into our urn interment locations.
Beechwood’s memorials are made of the highest quality of bronze or granite to ensure they will last for hundreds and probably thousands of years. At Beechwood, the difference in price between various colours of granite does not indicate a difference in quality of the stone. Beechwood’s Cemetery Counsellors can explain the many factors that contribute to the pricing and help you select what you want and what fits your budget.
Continuing a Legacy
Because Beechwood operates on a not-for-profit basis, most people find it comforting to know that the proceeds from the sale of whatever memorialization option they select are used for the maintenance, preservation and ongoing beautification of Beechwood for generations to come.
Memorialization Options
Here is a look at some of the choices that offered by Beechwood. Contact Us for more information.

Upright Monuments
Monuments are a popular choice for year-round visibility. They serve as memorials for both urn and casket burials. A wide variety of colours, styles, designs, bases and inscription choices are available.

Bronze or granite markers, usually only have a person’s name, lifespan and a small line of text etched on them, can be placed either flat on the ground or above on a wall. On-ground markers can be used for both urn and casket burials, and vary in size, shape, colour and design. They can be installed in a variety of locations throughout the cemetery, including our beautiful Botanical Cremation Garden and the majestic Poet’s Hill.

Tree Dedications
In some sections of the cemetery, a memorial tree can be planted with an accompanying inscribed plaque mounted on stone. Memorial plaques can also be added at the base of ancient trees scattered throughout Beechwood.

Bench Dedications
In many of the garden areas throughout the cemetery, a memorial bench may be placed adjacent to a buried location where family and friends may sit to visit and reflect.

Flower Vase Memorials
Located in the Botanical Cremation Garden, Beechwood’s bronze-on-granite Vase Memorials are designed to accommodate up to two urns and provide families with an opportunity to honour their loved ones with a bouquet of fresh flowers within a removable bronze vase.

Book of Remembrance
As an additional memorialization, a person’s name and lifespan may be recorded in Beechwood’s Book of Remembrance. The book is housed in a large glass display case in Beechwood’s National Memorial Centre. Each day, a page in the book is turned so that the date on the page corresponds to the current date. This allows family and friends to view the deceased’s name on their anniversary date.

Tree of Life
Beechwood has crafted a beautiful brass tree, which is mounted on a wall in Beechwood’s National Memorial Centre. A person’s name and lifespan can be inscribed on a leaf, offering another way to memorialize a loved one.

Individual Family Mausolea
Beechwood has locations available for families who wish to custom build a mausoleum for as few as two interments up to as many as a family may require.
Special Burial Choices — Canadian Forces
Beechwood is the home of the National Military Cemetery of the Canadian Forces, honouring the memory of Canadian service personnel and their families. This space is set aside for those who have faithfully served their country in war and peace, at home and abroad, sometimes making the supreme sacrifice on its behalf. There are 12,000 spaces for both traditional interments and cremated remains.
If desired, a military presence can be made available at a graveside service when conducted within Section 103. Subject to availability, the Honour Guard, Padre, Bugler or Piper can be provided at no charge. Beechwood can assist with all types of pre-arrangements or with arrangements at a time of need. Beechwood can also help coordinate the purchase, production and installation of a headstone adhering to specifications pre-determined by DND. Please note that graves cannot be pre-selected and are not allocated on the basis of rank, service, regiment or personal preference.
Fill out an application and learn more about the special services that Beechwood offers for Canadian service personnel.
Special Commemorative Services — Canadian Forces
Whether cremation or casket burial is selected, Beechwood offers special commemorative services and burial choices to honour the memory of our Canadian service personnel. An urn or casket may be placed on the large black granite plinth in the Hall of Colours, an area for the exclusive use of military members and veterans. Through the Hall’s beautiful memorial stained-glass window, called “Hope in a Broken World,” donated by the Canadian Military Chaplains’ Association, sunlight shines on the stately black granite plinth and the laid-up Colours of Canada’s Military Regiments. Families, colleagues and friends may visit the urn or casket prior to internment in the National Military Cemetery.