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Submitted by bryan on Thu, 09/01/2022 - 04:18:PM

It is with great sadness that the family announces that on August 29, 2022, Colonel (Ret’d) Malcolm (Mel) MacLeod has passed away. Mel was born in Sydney Mines NS to Captain (Ret’d) Malcolm Emerson (Emmy) MacLeod and Anna Kathleen (Kaye) MacLeod (nee MacLean). Mel was predeceased by the love of his life, Gloria (nee Baker) three years ago and is survived by children Michele Casey (Paul), James MacLeod (Stephanie); and grandchildren Samantha Casey (Brian), and William and Connor MacLeod. Mel is also survived by siblings Norman MacLeod (Anne), John MacLeod (Liz) and Al MacLeod (Mary), and cousin (and honorary sister) Nancy McArthur (Don).

Upon graduation from high school in 1957, Mel attended Sir George Williams University in Montreal in the Canadian Army’s ROTP program. He was commissioned in the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals in 1961. During the period 1961 to 1965, he served in the First Canadian Signal Regiment, Kingston, and on exchange with the 13 Signal Regiment, Royal Signals, in Germany. On promotion to Captain in 1965 he became Second-In-Command of 2 Signal Squadron, Petawawa. In 1967 he was posted to NDHQ, Ottawa, as a Staff Officer in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare.

In 1969 he was promoted to Major and attended the Canadian Land Forces Command and Staff College in Kingston. On completion of Staff College in 1970, Mel returned to NDHQ as a Staff Officer in the Directorate of Communications Systems Engineering. In 1972 he was posted to the 1st Canadian Signal Regiment where, during a three-year tour he was successively Squadron Commander, Operations Officer, and Deputy Commanding Officer. Mel participated in that unit’s deployment to Egypt in 1973. Between 1975 and 1978, Mel was a Liaison Officer with the Canadian Defense Staff (London, England).

Mel was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel on return to Canada in 1978 and was appointed Commanding Officer of 73 Communication Group in Winnipeg. From June 1980 to August 1982 he was Director Communications and Electronics Operations at NDHQ. He became Deputy Chief of Staff of Operations in Canadian Forces Communication Command Headquarters in August 1982 and a year later accepted the position of Canadian Forces Attache in Beirut with cross-accreditation to Syria and Jordan. On return from the Middle East in 1986, Mel assumed the position of Director Military Review, Operation Support in the new Chief Review Services Branch at NDHQ.

He was promoted to Colonel in 1987 and remained in Review Services until July 1988 when he was posted to Director Public Policy in the Policy Group of NDHQ. In June 1990 he assumed the position of Director Information Systems Plans until Jan 1991 when he was assigned to Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to open a new Canadian Forces Attache Office during the Gulf Crisis. In August 1992 he was Director Communications and Electronic Warfare Support at NDHQ until he retired in 1993.

Following his release from the military, Mel did what many resourceful officers do and started a consulting company, MacLeod Consulting Inc, and partnered in the creation of V3A Associates to deliver defence consulting services.

After closing out his consulting career, Mel and Gloria checked off items from their travel bucket list, including visiting China, Russia, Australia, Alaska, Italy, and taking several cruises. Along with Norman and Anne MacLeod and Don and Nancy McArthur, Gloria and Mel would retreat to Florida in February for an annual “MacBlah” break.

After Gloria passed in 2019, Mel maintained contact and friendships with many of the hobby groups she belonged to including mall walking, quilting, knitting. Additionally, Mel enjoyed his regular lunches with the “the boys” of Working Group 7, WG7 Recce Team and the Geek Coffee club.

The family would like to thank the wonderful hematology team at The Ottawa General. Their kindness and compassion meant a lot at a very difficult time.

Mel will be interred at Beechwood Cemetery on September 17, 2022.

11:00 - 12:45 - Visitation, Hall of Colours
13:00 - 14:00 - Funeral Service, Sacred Space
14:00 - 14:30 - Private Graveside Service for Immediate Family
14:30 - 16:30 - Reception

In-memoriam donations can be made to Canadian Cancer Society or Wounded Warriors Canada.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/01/2022 - 08:04:PM


Andrew Murray

Thank you Mr Macleod for your awesome service to our country in such a distinguished career! Rest in the peace that is well earned with your Gloria. Take care to James and family . Don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything I can do during your difficult circumstances.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/03/2022 - 07:18:AM


Guy Thibault

Dear Michele, Jim and Family, your Dad and Mum were among the loveliest people I met during my service and I always enjoyed my time in their company. I hope you find some small measure of comfort in this sad time in knowing how well Mel was respected and admired as a leader and soldier by all those who had the pleasure and good fortune to know him.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/03/2022 - 08:20:PM


Major(ret'd) Garth Jonah, RCCS

Mel was my Officer Commanding in 1 Sqn, 1st Canadian Signal Regiment when I joined the Regiment in 1972 as well as the Regimental Operations Officer when he and I moved to the Headquarters after our deployment to Egypt in 1973. Our paths crossed off and on throughout our mutual careers. He was a gentleman and officer who I respected at all times. He will be sadly missed.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/03/2022 - 08:29:PM


Les Closs

My heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Col MacLeod. I had the privilege of serving with him on a couple of occasions. He was an outstanding leader, the welfare of his troops was always first and foremost. A true gentleman may he Rest In Peace.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/04/2022 - 08:58:AM


Suzanne & Peter Clendinneg

Our sincere concordances to all the family, and a warm embrace to our dear neighbors Anne and Norman.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/04/2022 - 02:54:PM


Col (Ret'd) James Holsworth

Mel was such a clear-thinking, positive, respected person, who in many ways led the evolution of Canada's military communications and Signals at an important period of unification and Cold War force readiness. Our condolences to the MacLeod family. Mel will be remembered always by those who knew him. VVV Jim and Anne Holsworth

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/05/2022 - 10:01:AM


BGen (retd) Bill Richard and Shirlene

Most sincere sympathy to James, Michele and their families. We had the greatest respect for Mel and Gloria and were proud to call them close friends. We shared many experiences and cherish our time on Op Danaca that brought the wives of the Canadian Signal Regiment (ICSR) together as well as the officers. We have so many great memories of Mel as we reflect on times in London England, Egypt , service with Royal Signals and foreign postings. We are certain that Mel and Gloria rest in peace with great affection from Bill and Shirlene .

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 09/07/2022 - 09:38:AM


June and Jim Hueglin

"To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/10/2022 - 10:46:AM


Maj (Ret) Cecil O Penney

Knew Mel most of my 39 Yrs in Signals. Had a beer with him and Gloria in, Damascus Syria in 1985 when they had to leave Lebanon for Jordon. Rest in peace old friend.
Cec Penney

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/11/2022 - 02:18:PM


BGen (Ret) Bob and Charlene Martineau

Our deepest sympathies to the MacLeod family on this sad occasion. Mel was a great solider, Signaller, senior officer and gentleman who served his country with great distinction and who made such a great impression on all those with whom he served. We also miss Gloria dearly, and trust that Mel and Gloria will rest in peace together for all eternity. VVV Bob and Charlene Martineau

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