New Edinburgh Tour

Beechwood Cemetery Gazebo

There are not many areas in the city that are as related as the village of New Edinburgh and Beechwood Cemetery. From its earliest development, Beechwood has been intertwined in the New Edinburgh community from expanding on the Thomas MacKay Property to being the home of the many prominent families that have become synonymous with the village.

Join us as we take an over 150-year tour of the Beechwood Cemetery and highlight many of the prominent families of the village as well as many of the architects, artists, and famous people who have lived in our community.

We will be exploring the Thomas MacKay crypt, Dr. William Bell, Robert Surtees, William Osgoode, and Reverend William Durie and discuss the New Edinburgh Canoe Clue and now important the village was to the development of Ottawa as our national Capital.

In partnership with the IODE New Edinburgh Street Fest.  Click here to find out more.

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