The Beechwood Way - Spring 2024 - Vol. 28

WHEN SOMEONE SAYS the word “Beechwood,” what immediately comes to mind? Is it the green grounds of the cemetery, with tall historic trees towering over the monuments? Is it the garden beds around the gazebo full of tulips or seasonal annuals? When you do picture “Beechwood” there is a green component to it. Here would be no Beechwood Cemetery without the rolling hills, or rows of trees along the roads. It’s what makes the atmosphere of Beechwood feel like a calm and serene environment.

As a year of celebrating 150 years comes to an end, Beechwood reflected on what makes Beechwood, well, Beechwood. This historic home to so many prominent Canadians wouldn’t feel so peaceful without the natural landscape, which is why the 2024 calendar year is going to be all about celebrating and preserving the nature residing at Beechwood. It began last fall, with the SUMMER initiative to restore the Macoun Marsh to a place of education for local children, and a community space for those to visit.

The following article explains in detail about the efforts needed to keep the marsh an urban wetland. Beechwood is thrilled to be attempting to get an Arboretum accreditation.

This couldn’t be possible without years of support from incredibly generous donors. This will create a new education space for those in the tree and horticulture community to come and learn about the historic trees that are scattered across Beechwood. Beechwood’s Biotic Pollination Program is continuing to grow as Beechwood creates a bee-friendly garden guide. This resource suggests plants for your pollinator garden that help support bee health.

Read the full magazine here.