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5 années 4 mois
Soumis par nmccarthy le lun 16/08/2021 - 08h49

Yaseen Akhtar est décédé le 10 août 2021, à l'âge de quarante-huit ans, après avoir combattu pendant de nombreuses années des problèmes neurologiques et de santé mentale. Yaseen laisse derrière lui ses parents, Denise Gour-Akhtar et Shahid Akhtar, qui pendant des années l’ont accompagné dans sa démarche de guérison avec amour et compassion.

Il laisse aussi dans le deuil sa grande sœur, Seema Akhtar, son mari, Charles Haines, ainsi que deux nièces, Safia et Ameena et un neveu, Luca, qui manqueront beaucoup leur oncle Yazzy.

Enfant, Yaseen aimait s'amuser, était gentil et généreux. Il était compatissant, attentionné et très intelligent. Yaseen était curieux et on le trouvait souvent en train d'étudier une mante religieuse ou une chenille, même au milieu d'un match de football ! À l'âge adulte, sa curiosité naturelle s'est transformée en une passion pour les documentaires et ‘YouTube'. Yaseen pouvait raconter les résultats sportifs aussi facilement qu'il pouvait s'engager sur les détails de l'actualité, et il nous régalait souvent de ses connaissances éclectiques. Il était toujours prêt à divertir ses neveux et nièces, en jouant avec eux des marathons de Monopoly, de dames, de Risk et même de Pinkalicious Uno (un peu à contre coeur!). Même si Yaseen a vécu avec plus de douleur que quiconque devrait avoir à endurer au cours de la dernière décennie, il était toujours prêt à sourire, à raconter une histoire drôle ou une anecdote.

Yaseen, où que tu sois, nous espérons que tu te sentes libre et léger. Nous espérons que toute ta douleur et ta souffrance soient parties. Peut-être es-tu assis dans un bateau sur un beau lac avec ta canne à pêche dans l'eau et le soleil sur ton visage. Nous t'aimons.

La famille et les amis sont invités à un service funèbre dans la section 51S du Cimetière Beechwood, au 280, avenue Beechwood, à Ottawa, le vendredi 20 août à 15 heures.  Tenue vestimentaire informelle

En raison des restrictions du COVID, le court service aura lieu à l'extérieur. Si vous le désirez, veuillez apporter vos chaises pliantes, parapluies et eau potable. Des masques et une distance physique seront nécessaires.

Au lieu de fleurs, nous serions reconnaissants pour des dons au nom de Yaseen à Lésions cérébrales Canada ( ou à l'Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (

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Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le ven 20/08/2021 - 13h42


Judy B

Mes plus sincères condoléances à Denise, Shahid, Seema et la famille et amis(es). Bon courage. Vous êtes dans mes pensées. Repose en paix Yaseen.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le ven 20/08/2021 - 14h59


Jamila Akhtar

There are no words to describe this loss, I feel it so heavily, yet I take solace in knowing that my dear cousin is no longer in pain, and is at peace now. I always found Yaseen to be highly aware of so many things. He was smart and intuitive, a rare combination. It was admirable to see, and a breath of fresh air. I always liked how he was able to see different perspectives and entertain two sides of a story. He had a true gift with it. I'm so glad I was able to know him and call him family. I love you, we all love you. Rest easy cousin. All my love, Jamila

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le ven 20/08/2021 - 16h52


Cory P

To Mr. and Mrs. Akhtar. My deepest condolences for the loss of your son. I cannot imagine the heavy burden you and Seema/family are carrying in this time of loss and mourning. May your hearts be comforted by the fond memories of Yaseen. I would also like to thank you very much for bringing such a wonderful child into this world. You raised a fine man and I, like many others were undeservedly graced with knowing and loving such a good man, our friend Yaseen.

I have so many fond memories of Yaseen. He was a great “pal.” He was smart as a whip, a thinker, doer, kind, generous, stubborn, argumentative like an old mule. He was also loyal and dependable. We broke a lot of bread in our time – he was always good company and up for good food or a munch. He easily navigated different groups and kept a wide network of friends which brought together a mix of good people. He was loved by many.

Yak was at times a great host, neighbour, game, travel and buffet buddy, fellow concert goer, wing man, a shoulder, my roommate, always a friend. We used to stay up all night hanging with the gang, sports, sports, and more sports, talking travel, debating, listening to music, playing games, thinking up business ideas, finance/investing, odds, early computing, the latest tech and the promise it had, talking history, politics, culture, the why’s of the world and our eternal Risk and poker wars. You were also a worthy and honourable opponent.

My mellow man…Fat Alberts, The Yak Yelp/What!, Middle Fingers & “that suspicious look”, Stanger Spot, Total Mares, the river, poolside, the hill, Zeppelin & Floyd, The Dead, concerts, Le Hull, Fuego, Perez, Concorde/981 Gulf, Za, The Dragon Buffet, Montreal, house hunting in Toronto, Vegas. We then drifted apart but I had lots of good memories and like other times over the years knew we would pass through or connect again…always easy just like old times. And although I wish you were here…so, it will be again.

Until we meet again Pal

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le ven 20/08/2021 - 19h03


Kevin Grosser

My condolences to Yaseens family. Lots of fun memories with him. I hope your resting easy Yak, you were a great guy.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le ven 20/08/2021 - 19h05


Katherine Morrow

Deepest condolences on the loss of a dear son, brother, uncle and friend.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le sam 21/08/2021 - 04h14


Krista Olson

My condolences to the family. Although I had not seen Yaseen in many years, I have fond, happy memories of him in our youth. He was incredibly smart, witty with a great sense of humour. He was a good friend and a good man. Rest in peace Yaseen.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le sam 21/08/2021 - 11h21


Caroline & Rico Battikha

We attended the service yesterday and want to express to the whole family how touching and beautiful it was. To witness the support and the strength of the bond between each family member and to hear your deep love for Yaseen through your memories. Our deepest sympathies to all your family.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le sam 21/08/2021 - 12h22


Caroline Paterson

I will always remember growing up with Yaseen & Nahid, spending endless hours together talking, debating, and most of all, laughing. Yaseen had the most wonderful sense of humour and an infectious laugh, and he could keep us entertained for hours. We remained friends throughout high school and into our twenties, until life pulled us in different directions. Yaseen was a kind-hearted, and generous soul. Rest in peace, old friend.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le sam 21/08/2021 - 19h41


Glenn McIntosh

Yaseen was my dearest and closest friend.
It's rare to have a true friend who as all of his friends know - would do anything for his friends without hesitation.
Our friendship lasted 35 years… we were schoolmates, co-workers, roommates but most importantly we were best buds.
Qualities that come to mind for most of us:
• Kind and caring
• Giving, never selfish
• Fun-loving
• Generous
• Genuine and authentic
• Compassionate, Empathic
• Curious
• An amazing sense of humor and his laugh, oh his laugh
• Smart – like really smart!

If this world had more Yaseen’s in it, it would be a much better place.
Yaseen, wherever you are, we hope you feel free and have a heavy weight lifted off of your shoulders.
We will miss your smile, but more than that, we will miss the way you used to comfort us when we were upset or how your laugh was the best sound in the world. RIP pal.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le lun 23/08/2021 - 13h03


Eric Gagnon

I remember how close you were to my brother Marty and I always enjoyed when you visited our household. You were always kind to me, despite being the bratty younger brother. I know your friendship meant the world to my brother and my parents always appreciated you being there for him as they knew you were kind, intelligent and loyal. Rest In Peace.

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