Pre-plan your funeral to eliminate stress on your family

Taking a pragmatic approach to life is a hallmark of organized people who like to have their fiscal and financial house in order. That’s simply a good way to eliminate the stress often associated with making such impactful life decisions.

Pre-planning your own funeral is another one of those important self-directed responsibilities, but it’s also one some people hesitate to accept or act on. Perhaps it’s because it forces individuals to confront their own mortality or to get them thinking of a world where they’re no longer around. In truth, planning your funeral in advance is a sure way to ensure your expectations for end-of-life celebrations and internment are fully met.

“Typically, people will start to consider pre-planning their funeral at milestone moments, either with the loss of a parent or someone they love, moving into retirement, or perhaps when downsizing,” said Nick McCarthy, Director of Marketing, Communications and Community Outreach with the Beechwood Cemetery Foundation.

“Maybe they had a friend that passed away and they saw the toll it took on their family members having to rush to make all these really specific decisions. That’s truly what becomes the catalyst for pre-planning.”