



Visitation Suites at Beechwood



Le mardi 7 février 2023
11h00 à 11h30


Beechwood Cemetery

Membre depuis

1 année 5 mois
Soumis par rfader le lun 06/02/2023 - 08h45

Lan Lo, Passed away peacefully in Ottawa on Friday, February 3, 2023 with family by her side at the age of 98. Born in Guangdong, China on May 20, 1924. Predeceased by her husband, Hien  Huynh, She was surrounded and cared for by her beloved children, Wong Su Fong, Long Huynh, Diep Huynh, Kim Huynh, Binh Huynh and Khanh Lam, daughter in law,  Nai Huynh, Phuoc Huynh and Lieu Chi Phon, daughter in law, and Tai Huynh and Julie Lee, daughter in law.

And eleven wonderful grandchildren, Phat Huynh,  Chi Chi Huynh, Julie Huynh, Steven Huynh, Andrew Huynh, Justin Huynh, Alex Huynh, Chan Huy Huynh and Tuyet Dung Huynh.

She enjoyed spending time chatting with her family, relatives and friends on many outings. She will be remembered as a loving and nurturing soul to each and every person she interacted with especially her grandkids. She will be dearly missed.

Family and friends are invited to pay respects at Beechwood Funeral, and Cemetery Services at 280 Beechwood Ave, Ottawa, Ontario on Monday Feb 6, 2023 from 5 to 8pm and  Tuesday February 7,2023 from 9.00am to 10.00am, The family requested no donations. 


羅蘭太夫人於一九二四年在中國岀生, 一九九五年移民加拿大, 於二零二三年二月三日於加拿大渥太華市安詳逝世。

羅夫人嫁夫黃順軒, 肓有七男三女。夫婦二人辛勤作業, 各盡己職, 合力供養十名子女至令他們各自獨立及事業有成, 家族不斷繁衍, 再加添內外孫共十一名, 堪稱兒孫滿堂。

羅夫人生於良善忠誠家庭, 幼承庭訓, 相夫教子, 待人和善。她的離去確實今家人及朋友感到哀傷惋惜, 但她所建立的優良傳統和遺留的美好回憶是永不磨滅的。祝願她和她於一九九八年逝世的的丈夫在天堂重聚享永福, 保祐在世子孫昌盛繁榮。

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