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5 years 6 months
Submitted by benoit on Wed, 09/11/2024 - 11:28:AM

Duncan Charles Mackenzie Hogan passed unexpectedly at his parents’ home, Saturday 7 September, at the age of 26.

Duncan is survived by his loving parents, Greg and Ila, his siblings Carl and Paul (Maggie Currie), his niece Sydney and his nephew Angus. He will be sorely missed by his many cousins, his aunts and uncles Derek and Janet Longworth, Dr. Bill and Diane Cornish, Dr. Bruce and Bev Cornish, Ewen Cornish and Great Aunt Marian as well as his many, many friends.

Duncan is predeceased by his grandparents Ken and Flora Hogan, Dr. Charles and Mary Cornish and by his uncle Charlie.

Duncan is a graduate of Bell High School and Algonquin College where he studied Television and Pod Broadcasting. During his student years he worked at a variety of jobs that included sales manager of a paint store, a staff job in a recording practice space and restaurant work.

Duncan was a voracious reader. He had an amazing range of detailed knowledge on a disparate number of subjects and issues. He was especially interested in history, Egyptology, the natural sciences, eastern mysticism and political developments in Canada and abroad. He was also an aspiring filmmaker, and, at the time of his death, he was in the process of moving to Toronto to begin a career in film and television work.

Duncan had a great sense of humour and he was a talented mimic. He spent much of his leisure time writing and leaves behind a number of draft manuscripts that include a book on the depiction of Goth culture in films, poetry and several works of alternative fiction.

A big kid himself, Duncan loved children, especially his younger cousins so Halloween was a special time for him. He took particular delight in fashioning elaborate costumes to wear when handing out goodies to the little monsters.

He also loved animals, in particular his little cat, Lavender. On his own initiative, at the age of 9, Duncan embarked on a one-boy fund raising campaign for the Ottawa Humane Society.

Friends are invited to visit the Beechwood National Memorial Centre, 280 Beechwood Ave. Ottawa, on Wednesday, September 18 from 7 to 9 pm and on Thursday, September 19 from noon to 1 pm.  A celebration honouring Duncan's life will begin at 1 pm. followed by a reception and a private family Burial Service. In lieu of flowers a donation to the Ottawa Humane Society would be appreciated. 

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/13/2024 - 09:39:AM


The Bookers

Ila, Greg and Carl. We are deeply saddened to hear of your loss. We met Duncan when he was just a tiny 4 year old in kindergarten, when he and Luke loved to dig for dinosaurs in your backyard.

Over the years we would see him every now and again, and he was always so chatty and engaging, always sharing news of the family. Such a testament to the strength of the bond that you all shared.

What a beautiful soul he was, he touched so many lives and made them better. He will live forever in our hearts.

Sending strength to you all. Xxx

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/13/2024 - 02:12:PM


Lori and Italo Di Saverio

Our heartfelt condolences to Ila, a dear and life long friend, her husband Greg and daughter Carl as well as all the extended family members of the Cornish’s and Hogans. Our thoughts are with you as you struggle through this incredibly difficult time.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/13/2024 - 02:42:PM


Aaron B.

I'm shocked at this news. Spoke with Duncan maybe once every month or two. Well spoken, always well dressed. We talked about art, always made sure to listen to his reviews when he saw any of my pieces. He knew how to motivate and guide others towards artistic expression.

He knew how to laugh, how to smile. Always willing to hang out and chat, gave the man a hug as we parted ways after a fun night with friends. Not quite sure what to do now, devoid of that. We all make impacts in one another's lives, he's made one in mine.

I miss you, my friend. Next painting's for you, buddy

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/13/2024 - 03:10:PM


Chantal Turbis

Très très chère Ila,
La nouvelle du départ de ton fils m'a profondément touchée (ma fille a le même âge). Aucun mot ne peut apaiser la douleur infinie de perdre un enfant. La vie nous envoie de ces cruelles épreuves impossible à comprendre...
Toutes mes pensées vont vers toi et ta famille, en espérant que tu trouves ici et là des moments de paix bienfaisants dans ton coeur.
Chantal xx

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/13/2024 - 07:24:PM


Irene Wilkin

Ila and Greg,
I am so sorry to get the worst possible news that you lost your son Duncan. It’s been ages since we have been in touch but I know you are a strong couple and you will cope. My sincere condolences.
Irene Wilkin

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/13/2024 - 07:37:PM



My heart goes out to Duncan's family, close friends and loved ones. We had only met a couple of times, but I will always remember him as a genuinely kind person. Upon meeting, we got along right away. I am very saddened to hear of his sudden passing. My condolences to all of you.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/14/2024 - 03:28:AM


Greg Whitworth

I have known Duncan for 5 years and he was always a blessing knowing him and being around him. He blossomed such great knowledge and humor that it was never dull to be around Duncan. Whenever you were around Duncan, he always wanted to make things light hearted and fun. He showed me many genres of music that I never thought I would get myself into. Because of this, I am very saddened of this news of how such a great human being like him has to go away. He always made work more fun and brightened up my days in so many ways to count.

Rest in peace Duncan, you were a great co-worker, but most importantly, a great friend.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/14/2024 - 06:58:AM


Brenda & Alain Rochefort

Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. We always received a warm greeting from Duncan anytime we saw him. Our hearts go out to you and your family during this time.
Your neighbours, Brenda and Alain.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/14/2024 - 05:41:PM


Jenny Hulford

My deepest condolences. I remember Duncan fondly from his days hanging out with Eric either here or over at your place. I cannot imagine your loss.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/15/2024 - 05:55:AM


Aiden M

Duncan was a very unique individual who can’t be replicated. Only one Duncan

Many fond memories of times spent with him and the group of guys. He was somewhat of a legend at ALC elementary school back in the day, because of his extravagant personality. I can’t remember fully, but I think he wasn’t at ALC for a while and he came back, and people were very excited to hear about it. He was well received by all and made some lasting friendships into Highschool from what I can recall. A special memory from ALC was his speech one year, atleast I think it was his speech, or it could’ve been a project. It was about a topic Duncan was intrigued about at the time, that was WAY over any of the other grade 7/8’s heads, but was right down Duncan’s alley. It was Paleo Agrarianism. He went into great detail about the subject and everyone was asking him questions about it after. He then went on to start his own YouTube channel about the topic and as far as I remember, the whole class watched the first video he uploaded. We wanted the channel to take off.

I got to know him a lot more in highschool, as I was a part of the squad of friends Duncan was friends with. I’ll always remember how entertaining he was during class, aswell as after class. Just always making any scenario as fun as he could make it, and we all loved that about him. You felt very accepted around him and he put you in a feel good mood where you could fool around and feel loose. Very wise from my point of view, and was a model of self acceptance for everyone, and he wouldn’t fixate on showing people how wise he was, because he was wise.

After many highschool days, we’d all go to his house and head to the basement, where it was always a fun time. I wasn’t there as frequent as some others, but still came around a fair bit. I’d go back to do one more hangout in the basement if I could, and I’m sure the others would too. Duncan was very close with some of them.

The two things that I’ll remember the most about Duncan, are the sound of his voice and his laugh. It was a distinct sound to me, and I could be 90 years old and I’ll still remember it. And I remember when you did make him laugh, you wanted to make him laugh more.

I’ll miss Duncan “hogabone” , and I’m very sorry about your loss as a family. He will be missed by many, and I wish you guys the best in your period of mourning and afterwards.

Now right here at the bottom, you guys can have me delete this part if you don’t see it as fitting, though as of now I’d like to share this about Duncan.

Duncan didn’t have much social media so I’d like to share the only source connected to him that I can. It’s his old elementary school YouTube Channel that I mentioned. If anyone wants to see it, look up “ThePaleoAgrarianist” on YouTube and he should show up as the first video. I’m going to leave one photo of him on my phone with shorter hair too for perspective, and I can delete that too if needed.

Entertain the spirits of Heaven Duncan, and once again, I’m sorry for your guys loss.

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