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6 years
Submitted by benoit on Fri, 02/02/2024 - 02:52:PM

Edna Mignonne (née Graziadei) passed away peacefully on Wednesday January 31st 2024 at the age of 90 at Centre d’accueil Champlain.  She was the beloved wife of Guy Lacelle (feu) of 64 years.  She is predeceased by her parents Dominick Graziadei and Hectorine Aubé.  She was the mother of Louise Lacelle (Gilles Le Breton), Lucille (Erin Ryan) and grandmother of Alexandre Lacelle-Le Breton. She was the youngest of 9 children and was predeceased by her brothers and sisters: Rocco, Camille (Paul Anderson), Eva, Earl (Carmen Donaldson), Eva, Robert (Gladys Jones), Ruby, et Dorine (Alphonse Dalpé).  She leaves behind many nieces and nephews.

There will be no funeral or remembrance ceremony at this time. The family will inform relatives and friends when a memorial will take place.

The family wishes to thank the staff of Centre d’accueil Champlain for their wonderful care and compassion.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 02/03/2024 - 10:26:AM


Scarlett and Gerry

We lose part of ourselves when we lose a parent. Our deepest condolences to you all.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 02/04/2024 - 11:28:AM


Virginia Anderson Norris

I am saddened that the generation born to Dominick Graziadei and Hectorine Aube are all now deceased....I am the daughter of Camille Graziadei and Paul Anderson....I only met Mignonne once, but all of these losses are deeply felt by all of the survivors. My most sincere condolences to all of Mignonne's family and friends....Rest In Peace dear lady.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 02/22/2024 - 05:31:PM


Gary Racine

Chère Louise et Lucille,

Je tiens à vous présenter mes plus profondes condoléances pour la perte de votre mère.

Elle était une personne exceptionnelle avec un sens d'humour sans pareil et je sais que sa mémoire continuera de briller dans nos vies.

Gary Racine

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