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5 years
Submitted by masterfunerald… on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 10:05:AM

Passed away peacefully in Ottawa, surrounded by family on Sunday, January 31, 2021 at the age of 82. Beloved husband of Nicole Henderson (nee Beaudry). Loving father of Christine Mouret and Erika Henderson (John Byway). Cherished grandfather of Amélie, Camille, Emeric, Connor and Nia.Predeceased by his parents Harold and May Henderson. David is survived by his brother Vernon, his wife Paige, his four nephews and nieces and their seven children. David will be sadly missed by many family members and close friends. David’s wife and daughters are particularly grateful to Vernon and Paige for their help and support provided during David’s stay in palliative care, the organization of the funeral, and their participation in it. The family are also grateful to Dr. Christopher Barnes and medical student Maude Shaughnessey, the clinical director Mario Daponte and all the attentive caregivers of the palliative care unit for the quality of care David received, for their attention to the needs of his family, and their capacity in both official languages.

Funeral arrangements are entrusted to Beechwood, Funeral, Cemetery and Cremation Services (280 Beechwood Avenue, Ottawa).  Due to the restrictions in place because of COVID-19, a private family service will be held with interment taking place at Beechwood Cemetery. For those who would wish to make a donation in memory of David, you may do so to The Bruyère Foundation, for Palliative care Unit at the Bruyère Hospital, and the Ottawa Hospital, for Kidney Transplant at the General Campus. 

David’s wife and daughters are grateful for family and friends who have followed the funeral online, which was a celebration of David’s life.


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5 years

Submitted by masterfunerald… on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 10:15:AM


Hope Henderson

David was my uncle. Despite being separated by many years and an international border, I felt an affinity with him. We shared the twin passion of science and language, exchanging books and stories over the years. David was extremely generous in his support and encouragement of my writing, and his words from when I ventured to share my first serious attempt at literary writing with him a decade ago now have stuck with me and buoyed me. I never knew David to be other than kind and generous. I regret that he passed so suddenly, and at a time when we could not gather together. I wish I had more time with him. 

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5 years

Submitted by masterfunerald… on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 10:18:AM


Sandy Henderson

David was a beloved uncle. That may be a trite and easy thing to say, but it was not a trite and easy thing for him to be.  Distance, a border, and health troubles meant that we saw each other on only a limited number of occasions, usually separated by stretches of years.  But David used those visits as a springboard.  Usually by letter but sometimes by phone, and in later years by email and skype, David showed unflagging interest in my life, following my enthusiasms and my adventurers, lauding my achievements and offering advice when I needed it.  When I wanted to be a writer, he read my work, taking what I wrote seriously and responding to it in a serious way.  When I moved on to other pursuits, he again took what I was doing seriously and responded to it with attention and interest.  When I started life as a litigator, he sent me his old briefcase so that I could appear in court looking less like a rookie and more like a courtroom veteran.  When my wife, Juanita, came along, he welcomed her into the family, and when our children were born, he was excited to see them grow, and excited to see us grow as parents.  His memories of Altadena helped get us excited for our own move to Pasadena, just down the hill.. At every turn, he made sure that I felt seen and supported.  His passing leaves a large hole in our small family.  But he left a powerful example of how to connect in this scattered and far-flung state in which our family continues to find itself.  I hope that I can follow his lead and be as rich a source of love and support to my own nieces and nephews as they grow up in distant places.


In the attached photo, I am wearing one of David's sweaters, which he gave me when I showed up in Ottawa without having checked the weather first.  I have it still!

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5 years

Submitted by masterfunerald… on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 10:19:AM


Marie-Hélène et Vincent

Nous ne nous attendions pas, Vincent et moi,  à recevoir cette nouvelle de Christine nous annonçant le décès de David.
Ne connaissant pas les circonstances de sa mort, la longue maladie et l’épuisement probablement, nous venons partager à distance la grande peine qui doit remplir votre coeur. David a partagé avec vous une grande partie de sa vie et ce que nous
connaissions de lui le rendait très attachant: homme de douceur, et de grande écoute. Malgré sa maladie, je me souviens qu’en 2014, lors de mon voyage avec Juliette, nous avions fait une halte de 3 jours chez vous, qu’il avait été très présent et qu’il avait gardé son humour malicieux. J’ai admiré son courage et sa ténacité pour maintenir les activités auxquelles il était très attaché, comme la peinture.
Vincent et moi vous faisons part de notre tristesse et vous assurons de nos prières demain lors de la cérémonie de funérailles. Que le Seigneur en lequel vous croyiez tous les 2, l’accueille dans son ciel où sa place a toujours été réservée.
« Heureux les doux, ils seront consolés ».


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5 years

Submitted by masterfunerald… on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 10:19:AM


Nia Byway

I remember being at my grandparents' house and watching grand-papa as he poured paint on a canvas and created beautiful pieces. I thought it was so fascinating, given his background in chemistry, that he was such an amazing artist as well. Grand-papa would often tell me stories about his youth and his career; he was always so animated and passionate when he described his many adventures. I will greatly miss our conversations and the wisdom he always had to share.

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Submitted by masterfunerald… on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 10:20:AM



I am so saddened by the loss of our beloved grandpapa.  You are both present in so many happy childhood memories: Fridays playing in the park, visiting museums or swimming in the Pond.  Grandpapa gave me great encouragement during my years as a competitive cyclist and when I was making career decisions.  We were lucky to have known his love and will miss his wisdom and inspiration.

You have my deepest sympathy,

Member for

5 years

Submitted by masterfunerald… on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 10:21:AM


Brigitte Lévy

J’ai eu le grand plaisir de faire la connaissance de David il y a plus de vingt-cinq ans par l’intermédiaire de feu Jac-André Boulet, mon mari.
Ce dernier était un grand ami de David depuis très longtemps. Ils furent collègues au Conseil économique du Canada, période où leur amitié s’est développée. Je sentais un respect mutuel profond lorsque Jac-André me parlait de ces années. Il m’avait aussi conté son amusement face à la façon dont David était déterminé à apprendre le français dans n’importe quelle circonstance à ses débuts. Une simple rencontre dans l’ascenseur devenait immédiatement l’objet d’une pratique pour David.
D’un point de vue personnel, je garde un excellent souvenir de David, de nos rencontres et de nos dîners à la maison ou chez lui et Nicole, et plus tard à leur domicile uniquement en raison de son état de santé. Ces moments étaient toujours fort agréables et enrichissants intellectuellement. Bien sûr, nous avons été témoins du déclin progressif des capacités motrices de David mais cela ne l’a jamais empêché d’aller de l’avant et de faire preuve d’un énorme courage face à l’adversité. Je pense aussi que la passion que David a développé pour la peinture lui a procuré un très grand soutien au cours des années. J’ai admiré à plus d’une reprise ses tableaux lors de mes visites à son domicile, alors que parfois une toile venait tout juste d’être achevée.
Je me revois encore assise à table et converser avec David la dernière fois que nous avons eu l’occasion de luncher ensemble avant la crise sanitaire. Je suis très heureuse qu’il ait pu demeurer chez lui malgré tous les handicaps causés entre autre par le Parkinson. J’ai pu constater à quel point son état physique nécessitait des soins et une attention constante. Je tiens à souligner que l’amour et le dévouement exceptionnel de Nicole ont énormément contribué au fait que David ait pu vivre confortablement dans sa maison aussi longtemps que possible. David en avait pleinement conscience et appréciait très fortement le lien qui les unissait.

Très cher David, tu nous a quittés en laissant dans nos cœurs un souvenir indélébile. Je ne peux que souhaiter que tu sois maintenant en paix dans l’amour de Dieu.

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5 years

Submitted by masterfunerald… on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 10:22:AM


Mike Smith and Tricianne Burke-Smith

David was my supervisor in the late 70's and early 80's at the Ministry of State for Science and Technology. And I've always said that David was the was the best boss I ever had -- encouraging me in so many ways, welcoming honest input, and helping my career to grow.

Outside the work world, we've had many occasions to enjoy David and Nicole's company.  David was always positive, always curious, always energetically pursuing new interests. His poetry and short-story writing were impressive. When we started seeing his art, we were fascinated by his interpretations, to the extent that one of his works hangs prominently in our living room. As time passed, we were deeply impressed at how courageously he responded to his evolving health issues -- innovating on his artistic techniques and producing truly beautiful compositions. And he was still always positive.

We offer our deepest sympathies to Nicole and the rest of the family. We will remember David with admiration.

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Submitted by masterfunerald… on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 10:22:AM



Mon grand-papa, tu m’as toujours éveillée grâce à ton savoir et émerveillée par ton art. Je me souviens de ces été passés avec grand-maman et toi, on ne s’est jamais ennuyé et je garderai ces doux souvenirs pour toujours. Tu vas beaucoup me manquer. Je t’aime fort, ta petite-fille, Amélie

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Submitted by masterfunerald… on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 10:24:AM


Camille Mouret

J’ai toujours été éblouie par tes multiples talents, ta créativité, toutes tes œuvres d’art et surtout par ta force intérieure. Je garderai précieusement en mémoire ces soirées sans fin à jouer aux cartes et au jeu des Grands Maîtres. Tu as toujours eu un grand plaisir à nous transmettre ton savoir immense! Tartes aux myrtilles, gâteaux aux sirop d’érable, autant de dessert que tu adorais déguster à la fin de tes repas, qu’est ce que tu étais gourmand!

Autant de beaux souvenirs que je garde et qui me feront sourire à chaque fois que je penserai à toi. Je t’aime fort grand-papa. Ta petite fille Camille

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5 years

Submitted by masterfunerald… on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 10:24:AM


Claire, Elie, Teddy and Bernie

We are so sad. I have learned many things from David, I think most especially the value of remaining constantly curious. Never have I met someone with such an impressive intellect who put it to such good use—to keep learning, to remain open, and to share it all with such warmth and tenderness. I think about David all the time, but especially when I am faced with the option of taking the easy way out versus pushing myself a little more and gaining the opportunity to learn something new. 

I have also learned much from you and David together—how to sustain a loving and happy relationship and to keep challenging each other. 

David will in fact be forever in our hearts, and on my mind as I try and navigate how to be a physician, wife, mother and friend. We love him very much, as we love you. 

I hope we can come visit soon and give you a big hug in person.

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